Singer & Songwriter from Osnabrück, Germany

Music is storytelling as well as emotional landscaping, and it is with the ambition of doing both well that Gabriel Zanetti writes his songs. He does not shy away from combining jazzy chords with easy pop arrangements. His songs are marked by an authentic charisma and an atmosphere of calm, although some are also groovy and altogether catchy.

Zanetti takes his musical inspiration from artists such as Sting, Peter Gabriel, Coldplay, Tina Dico, Jamie Cullum and Jason Mraz, among others, and his songwriting is as versatile and varied as the artists that have influenced him. Having come from a classical music background – he played violin for eleven years in a variety of ensembles and orchestras – Zanetti finally turned his hand towards pop music, forging both a career of his hobby and himself into a multi-instrumentalist (guitar, piano). In 2015, he began studying pop vocals at the Institut für Musik in Osnabrück, Germany, and continues to perform regularly at both large and small venues across the German-speaking world, as well as on the street and – occasionally – in living rooms.

The warm sincerity of Zanetti’s voice and the dynamism of his guitar play are not quickly forgotten by his audiences; indeed, they head home from the gig with his melodies on their minds and his lyrics on their lips.

“In der Musik geht es um Emotionen und Geschichten, aber es geht auch um die Musik”. Mit diesem Anspruch komponiert Gabriel Zanetti seine Songs. Dabei schreckt er weder vor jazzigen Akkorden, noch vor einfachen Pop- Arrangements zurück. Seine Songs sind ruhig bis groovy, stimmungsvoll aber immer charismatisch und authentisch mit Ohrwurmfaktor. Inspiriert ist er von großen Künstlern wie Sting, Coldplay und Jamie Cullum und seine Musik ist genauso weitreichend, wie die verschiedenen Stile der Musiker.
Ursprünglich von der klassischen Musik kommend – er hat 11 Jahre und in verschiedenen Orchestern Violine gespielt –, entschied sich Gabriel Zanetti sich seinem Hobby, dem Songschreiben, verstärkt zu widmen, und brachte sich Gitarre und Klavier bei. Seit 2015 studiert er Pop-Gesang am Institut für Musik Osnabrück, gibt Gesangsunterricht und präsentiert seine Songs regelmäßig auf kleinen und großen Bühnen, sowie auf der Straße und in Wohnzimmerkonzerten.

Seine warme, zugleich engagierte Stimme und sein dynamisches Gitarrenspiel bleiben Ihnen in Erinnerung und Sie werden nicht ohne Ohrwurm nach Hause gehen.

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I’m proud to be endorsed by ORTEGA GUITARS who support me with fantastic gears, guitars and my favourite and beautiful Ukulele. More so, I’m grateful for CORDIAL CABLES who facilitate great sound and endurance... Thank you so much for your support!


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